I was just wondering if anyone knew of any writers/ sources that mention archaeology (though more likely art history/ antiquarianism) within the ancient world. I know that Pollitt covers the art history side of things, but I was wondering if there was anything more specific that mentions how Romans may have percieved Greek monuments or ruins (what we might term archaeological sites) for example. It seems that this might be a bit of a dead-ender, since whilst there was an interest in their past, in seems that, at least for most historians, that this evidence was got through written records and word of mouth, and that a fair few of the various histories are contemporary doesn't help I guess. Either how, anyone with any views on this, feel free to add them!
Indeed there were archaeologial excavations in ancient times. At the Louvre you can find statues from Sumer which were excavated 1000 years later by an Elamite ruler to be transported to Elam and placed in his palace.
It is also known that various Mesopotamian rulers were digging for ruins of their predecessors from several hundred years before. Also, many rulers restored old temple ruins.
If you have a look on Mesopotamian history you will find several examples.
4/16/2012 04:02:41 am
Thanks, I shall have a look into that!
9/26/2016 11:50:28 pm
hey, iv quoted some of your ideas on Thucydides and Pericles in a report im writing for school, I am looking to cite the information but am missing some of the details needed (full name, publish dates etc.). It looks like you havent been on here for a while but if you could provide the information it would be cool
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